About Me

Discover the Story Behind the Scenes: Know About Me!

Hello Readers!

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Mayuri, and if you want to know about me, here’s a glimpse into my world.

As a devoted mom and a stickler for perfection, finding a balance between motherhood and striving for flawlessness was once a challenge. However, I came to realize that life is akin to a vast management school. It thrives on a blend of task lists, life hacks, and an abundance of motivation.

Now, let’s delve into a few insights about myself.

Who I live with: Sharing my home are my husband, Mohit, and our darling daughter, Mireya. Together, we’re like the modern-day three musketeers!

How I spend my time: I cherish moments playing with my daughter, alongside meticulously organizing and crafting lists to maximize quality time with my loved ones.

Where I reside: Currently, Singapore is our home. Prior to this, we enjoyed 11 wonderful years in Dubai, where the mantra “impossible is nothing” rang true. Despite the scorching summers, it’s a city that offers a delightful blend of all seasons.

What drives my passion: In addition to my penchant for organization, I’m deeply passionate about makeup. You could say I’m a bit of a makeup enthusiast. While I firmly believe that beauty lies within, I also appreciate the transformative power of a splash of color on an empty canvas.

What irks me the most: Pessimism and negativity are two things I simply cannot tolerate.

What my blog is all about: This blog is dedicated to fellow busy bees worldwide who find themselves engrossed in the hustle and bustle, sometimes neglecting life’s smaller joys.

Where to find me: Whether it’s your Inbox, Pinterest, Facebook, X, or Instagram, I’m there! Subscribe for a weekly digest filled with exciting checklists.

Always remember, busyness is a matter of priorities, not an excuse!

About Me - Mayuri

So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy The Crazy Lists! Here’s my first post: Hello World: What is Perfect Life

Lots of Love
