Reset Your Tough Day: 5 Strategies for Rejuvenation and Renewal

Discover Effective Techniques to Reset and Revitalize After a Challenging Day.

Feeling drained after a tough day? Learn actionable tips and techniques to reset, recharge, and reclaim your energy. Say goodbye to stress and fatigue with our expert strategies for rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to go for a long walk alone. I find my ear plug, iPhone and my sneakers. I can’t expect Mr. Google to give all the answers, especially on a day like this. I wanted all stress to ooze out of my body and Endorphins take over.

I had a tough day. I had a tough day explaining people about my choices. I had a tough day coping with the stress of managing everything in the world. I had a tough day dealing with negative people and their negativity.

I do not have any word to describe this day. It is my third lap near Semmer Villas. What should I do? Shall I keep answering all the questions in the world? Shall I just delete toxic people from my life?

Or Shall I give them the answer in their own language? I just don’t know.

I started playing with my phone and accidentally I entered the GENERAL settings of my phone and then RESET. Perhaps it is time to reset all the setting in my life.

What is a tough day? Tough day is a day which exhausts you mentally and physically. If you are exhausted physically then you can very well take a long nap, get hot water bath or pamper yourself to soothe your senses. But if you are mentally exhausted you need to take care before it builds up. Ever wonder how can you EARN a healthy and stress free life with just few changes?

Here are 5 ways to cope with a tough day using your phone’s RESET setting:


You have a right to choose your network and no one can question it. Let positivity surround you. Enjoy the company of people who bring positivity and respect. Delete toxic and negative people from your network and don’t ever feel guilty about it.

If you cannot completely delete them from your life then you don’t spend enough time with them. You don’t have to bear with people who drain your mental, emotional and spiritual energy. These people are fighting a battle with themselves and they make you the victim. WALK AWAY!


“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem to every solution”

“The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.”

Negative people




“What you feel about another person, what you think and say about another person, what you do to another person- you do to you. Give judgment and criticism and you give it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself.”- Rhonda Byrne

Don’t be a toxic person. Start appreciating what others do to you, complement people and spread smiles. Reset your lexicon and show gratitude to people who always stand by you.


“The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. SO be careful with your words”

“Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.”

Keyboard dictionary



Reset your life make it healthy and balanced. Eat good, look good and feel good. We get so busy in our mundane life that we forget, we have to take care of our health and well being. No matter how much we have messed with our diet. No matter how many excuses we have given to get back in shape. It is never too late. Reset your lifestyle, turn into a healthy one and you will THANK yourself. CHASE ENDORPHINS!


“What you eat in private, you wear in public.”

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.”

  •         Screen layout



Travel rejuvenates mind and soul; it gives a new understanding to life. Reset your location once in a while to embrace the happiness and satisfaction that you deserve. It doesn’t matter where you go but make sure that you go to a place where you find peace with yourself. Remember you have a RIGHT TO PRIVACY, right to left alone and your personal life doesn’t require scrutiny.



Yes, this is not in your phone’s reset settings. When you make a list, you set goals for yourself. Accomplish it. Make list of things you want to achieve, your very own BUCKET list, list of blessings. Trust me you will instantly feel rejuvenated.

ENJOY making list. LISTEN to your heart and GO achieve it. Make a crazy list

Tough Day

I stop beside a grocery store and take out my GROCERY list. I take a deep breath and go for some shopping for my hubby and chubby. I am responsible of SMILE MANAGEMENT and I cannot let a tough day or tough times to cloud happiness that my family deserves. “You are glowing, Mayuri”, exclaimed my husband.

“Yes, I am!”

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  1. Exactly what I need at the moment! Very well written! Keep it up! ?

    1. I am glad that you liked it. Thanks

  2. inspiring thoughts. it helps everyone to go ahead with positive attitude without carrying of others shit.

    1. I am glad that you liked it. Follow me or subscribe to get more crazy lists. Thanks.

  3. This was an awesome post I look forward to reading more from you!

    1. I am glad that you liked it! I just loved your blog. You will get more crazy lists soon. Thanks


  4. Oh that’s what I want now! Really having tough days!!

    1. Remember tough time doesn’t last forever, tough people do!

      Glad that you liked it and I wish you all happiness. Thanks

  5. I love love love this post!! Definitely need to apply this to my life xxxxx

    1. I am glad that you liked it. These resets will surely help you when going gets tough. Please follow or subscribe to get more crazy lists. Thanks


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