Drive Happy: 4 Strategies to Make Car Ownership Less Stressful

The Ultimate Guide to a Hassle-Free Car Ownership Experience.

Have you ever been stuck with a vehicle that seems temperamental? If so, you know the worry, stress, and fear that now is the time your car is finally going to break down. The stress of car ownership is frustrating and most of the time, expensive.

You might have invested thousands in repairs already, and yet still suffer more. Some cars are just known to have real issues, and that in itself can be annoying to deal with. But you don’t have to be a negligent owner to find car owning a hassle at the best of times. After all, dealing with the insurance after an insurance-less vehicle rams into your car at a traffic light is something that happens to people every day, and so not all car-owning frustration is your own problem.

For this reason, making certain your car-owning experience is less stressful is about implementing a few changes, investing in a few services, and making a few preparations. This way, you can deal with most car worries without having to feel chained to routinely frustrating expenses.

Car ownershipPhoto by Swansway Motor Group on Unsplash

In this post, we’ll discuss many of those efforts:

Find A Good Mechanic

It’s not a question of if your vehicle will have issues, it’s when they will occur. After all, an engine that drives a large hunk of metal for many miles at a time, in all weather conditions, is hardly something we see in nature. There are few self-corrective measures in our cars, and as such, a trustworthy auto mechanic can be worth their weight in gold. Find one that charges good prices, does good work, won’t upsell you, and has time to explain the issues. A great mechanic can be a professional whose services you have used for years.

Have A Blanket Budget

“Just have more money to solve problems!” is hardly a good piece of advice, but when it comes to operating a car, your entire life can be put on hold if you don’t have the funds to put an issue right. Moreover, it’s not as if you can jig a fix yourself, outside of rudimentary measures like changing the tires or oil yourself. Having a blanket budget you can use for quick repairs that might not be covered by insurance is a healthy place to start, for obvious reasons.

Opt For Full Insurance Cover

Being protected when you break down, getting a replacement runaround vehicle once yours is being repaired, or being towed when you’re broken down can make a massive difference. Moreover, we mentioned uninsured drivers above, many plans can provide protections against uninsured drivers so your insurance will reimburse you, then claim against the perpetrator of the accident without correct coverage. For all the time, money, and stress this approach saves you, it’s more than worth the investment.

Keep Your Car Clean

Have you ever tried working at a desk overflowing with papers, reports, coffee mugs, food wrappers, and crumbs? It’s hard to focus and achieve anything in those circumstances, and you don’t have to be a distracted person to feel so. The same goes for our vehicles, sure you don’t have to keep them in pristine condition 24/7, but a general sense of tidiness can mean clean, focused driving, reduced lethargy, and a sense of comfort in this space on a hot day. Moreover, instead of sickly sweet fresheners, think of odor-busters that help keep the car relatively neutral. It will help you relax more easily, behind the wheel, even during those unexpectedly frustrated commutes.

Set Strong Ground Rules

Ultimately, it’s your car, and you get to decide who rides with you. If your friend regularly assumes you’re okay with them smoking out of the window, but it stinks your car out for a while after they leave, well, it’s fine to ask for that to stop.

If your friend rarely cleans up after themselves or never pays for your fuel, or your child kicks the back of your seat, it’s important to raise those issues and be firm about them. You can also make sure that you pull over and stop driving when necessary, such as if you’re the designated driver during a night out and your friend is too inebriated to drive safely. 

Ground rules might make you feel like a relative “square,” but remember that safety and comfort on the road can quite literally save your life. As we’re responsible for the safety of our passengers while riding with us, you are well within your rights to set those limits. This, in itself, can grant you real peace of mind.

With this advice, we hope you can feel less stressed behind the wheel, and enjoy your car more than ever.

Hope you follow the tips and ensure that car ownership isn’t stressful.

Lots of love,
