Estate Planning: 5 Must-Know Tips for Securing Your Legacy

Estate Planning

Essential Estate Planning Tips You Need to Know. Secure Your Legacy Now!

Estate planning involves determining what will happen to your assets when you die. Such assets could include your money, your home, and your possessions.

While estate planning may seem like a gloomy task, it can be an important one. Without an estate plan in place, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy – which may not be what you or your family necessarily want. To help you create the best estate plan, here are 5 tips.

Estate PlanningEstate Planning

Create a will with the help of a lawyer

A will involves putting into writing who will receive which assets after you pass away. While there’s nothing to stop you from writing a will at home by yourself, writing a will with the help of a lawyer will ensure that your will is legally binding and that none of the terms can be misinterpreted. You can write a will at any time and make amendments at a later date if necessary. 

Look into powers of attorney and living wills

In the event that you fall ill and are incapable of looking after yourself, you can also assign loved ones to take care of your property and finances on your behalf while you are still alive. This is known as assigning a ‘power of attorney’. A similar financial document that you can also look into is a ‘living will’. This allows you to empower someone else to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are not well enough to do so. You can read more information on a living will here at

Explore estate tax reduction strategies

There are various taxes and fees involved during the probate process that your loved ones may have to deal with when you die. It’s possible to get around these fees by taking certain measures such as leaving assets in a trust. There may even be an option such as a quitclaim in which you can transfer ownership of a property to someone while you are still alive. Of course, you do need to be careful when undergoing these tax reduction strategies and it’s best to hire a lawyer to make sure you do it efficiently and legally. 

Update your estate plan regularly

There may be changes that you want to make to your estate plan in the future. For example, if you currently have young kids who are not old enough to be responsible for property or certain funds, you’ll likely want to leave your assets to someone else. But in the future when they are older, you may want to change the terms of your will and leave assets directly to them. On top of changing beneficiaries, your total assets may change and there could be property or accounts that you need to include in a new will. By checking your estate plan regularly and updating it, you can make sure it continues to follow your current wishes. 

Inform your loved ones along the way

It’s a good idea to let your loved ones know exactly what your estate plans are in advance rather than leaving it as a surprise (unless you really don’t want someone to know what your plans are). It’s a good idea to also let loved ones know who to contact, as well as potentially creating a document for information like passwords and PINs that could be useful to loved ones when you die. 

These five tips provide a solid foundation to help you navigate the complexities of estate planning, giving you peace of mind and securing your legacy for future generations. Take the time to plan now, and rest assured that your affairs are in order.

Hope you use these tips while doing estate planning.

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Lots of Love
