7 Moving tips and hacks to make your move smoother

Moving Hacks

Originally Published on 24th May 2018

Raise your hand if you like the process of moving and the sea of stress that follows.

Moving to a new apartment is exciting and it promises new experiences. But packing and moving your belongings is not only painful physically but also a mental exercise.

Before my recent move to a new apartment, I put in all the time and effort to make it stress-free as I had to manage my little girl too. I planned ahead, made endless checklists, and prepared myself for unforeseen events too. It wasn’t a cakewalk but it was a learning experience.


Your house is your world and having to dismantle it is emotionally exhausting too. You must have followed all the moving hacks and tips to make it less stressful and more organized. You are confident in your packing skills but you need these seven moving hacks to help you from losing your mind in the process

1. Make a written master plan

Yes! It might sound strange in the world of technology. But, seriously write it down and strike it out whenever you finish a task. Make a list of every task that should be done: When do I have to hand over the keys to the landlord? What are the things that I need to pack, trash or donate? Repairs that need to be made in the old apartment? Change of address, transfer of utilities and the process of getting security cheques. Sit down and go over everything that needs to be done before the D-day!

2. Keep a master list of contact information

Make a list of the contact information of anyone who is involved in the process. Some numbers you may consider including in your list: your moving company, the number of the company that runs the apartments or housing complex you’re moving to, babysitter, security guards of the building/society, technicians and anyone else involved in the move.

3. Read the fine print of the moving company contract

Search for the best moving company near your area like finding Toronto moving company on the web. Identify the one that’s feasible,  get the quotes, the facilities they provide and their terms the contract.  Once you secure a good deal, it is important to take a note of details such as cancellation and rescheduling policies, who is responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items and other hidden charges.


4. Make a list of delivery options in your new neighborhood

The last thing you will want to prepare a meal or a snack on the D-day. Make a master list of the restaurants with delivery options and take-away. This list will not only save some time searching for restaurants but will also make it an easy first night.

5. Take photos before/after moving out of your old apartment

It is so important to document the state of your old house when you vacate it. This will make it easier for you to bring it up to your landlord when he has to release your security amount- no dispute and no hassles. When you enter the new house, take plenty of photos before you move anything in. This will prevent any issues that may arise in future.

6. Pack an essential overnight bag

Pack valuable items and essential documents in an overnight bag and carry it with you during the move. Personal documents such as birth certificates, passport, education records and government IDs must be stored in a soft copy format so that if ever you lose them at least you have the record number to get a duplicate copy. If you have a locker, it is advisable to lock all your pieces of jewelry and valuable items in it.

7. Know where the stuff is going

Label all the boxes and put it in their respective places. This will help in unpacking your stuff. This will help the folks helping you know where to put things and make it easier for them to finish the work efficiently. It is ideal to do a space planning before you enter a new house.

Moving tips and hacks

What would you like to add to this list?  Please comment below and let me know.

If you wish to see the ultimate closet detox then read it here.

Lots of love


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by  Hudson Movers. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience

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  1. I have moved so many times for both our company and personal and wished I had this list to help. Moving is a huge undertaking and each time, I did not enter into with a master plan as you suggested. Thank you I will be better prepared for my next move.

  2. YAY I’m so glad I got to read this just as I’m preparing to move into a new place. I think one of the best things to keep in mind is to that not everything can be done in just one day.

  3. Honestly speaking I am not good into this moving apartment stuff because I hate taking off. Last year once I moved my apartment it was a hell of job.

  4. These are great tips! We’re a military family and move every few years. It can get tricky.

  5. What wonderful tips, I always find moving so stressful so it is good to have some tips to hand to help make it just a little easier on all those involved.

  6. These are really great tips to help anyone who is moving have a smooth time doing so. I particularly like the idea of packing an overnight bag that is a really awesome idea.

  7. I made the biggest move of my life last year when I moved into my three bedroom townhome. I made lists and hired an excellent moving company. I hope I don’t have to move anytime soon. It’s a labor of emotional and physical love. On the top of my essential list was a bottle of wine and plastic cups. It was a perfect way to toast our new place.

  8. These are great tips in moving. I would definitely use them. Thanks for sharing.

  9. These are some really useful tips! It is incredibly important to verify the company / truck you choose to go with while moving.

  10. As much as moving to a new apartment sounds too awesome with an assurance of new experiences and memories, moving to the new apartment becomes the most hectic part. I just hate moving! Haha…anyway, making a master plan is just so important and also, I’ll never miss out on an essential bag with very important stuff.

  11. You know, you never really give it much thought at the time but number four is really quite helpful. I remember a few times scrambling to find a place to get food late on moving day.

  12. Moving can be an emotional experience for some, and for most, quite exciting. Loving these tips you’ve shared.

  13. Finalizing a new place and then moving into it is so challenging. We have done that twice before and the list you’ve made indeed comes handy for the preparations.

  14. Moving is really stressful. These tips are very helpful indeed.

  15. It’s an absolute must to have this list before moving. I recently helped my brother in moving and we did make quite a similar list. But there are few points here that can be used for next time. Excellent information!

  16. Recently, a family friend had a moving company not deliver any thing. They moved to a different state and lost everything. When you mention “2. Keep a master list of contact information” this is critical. She had to contact her home owners insurance to get the basics back. If you don’t get referrals and follow up contact information, you may be misled.

  17. I was in the military and loved that they handled everything. But when I had to do it myself, it really got overwhelming. These are great tips I wish I had back then!

  18. Wow this is a great list! I love point #7. My dad got all the boxes labelled to make it easier to put it in the respective places when we moved. That was really helpful!

  19. I wish I have read this when I moved from Korea to Philippines. All your tips are on point. I miss my condo in Korea. I wish I have taken more pictures before I left.

  20. Great list! hiring movers to move the big stuff is so worth it!

  21. I moved in with my husband 6 years ago and it was such a hectic experience I really never want to do that again. But this list makes it much more doable!

  22. Moving house can be so stressful, but these are some really handy tips to make it that bit easier. I’m hoping not to have to move house for a good few years yet, but will definitely remember these if we do.

  23. These are some awesome tips! I utilized a few of these when we moved into our new home a few years back. Although we have zero intentions of moving anytime soon since we did buy our dream home. If we ever decide to move again, I think we will definitely use a moving company!

  24. Those are some great tips. I love the photo idea. I never thought about that one. We hope to be moving soon, but we don’t have so many stuff. So some friends with cars will help us.

  25. Super great tips ! It’s easy to forget some things when in such a stressful time 🙂 I’m pinning for later 🙂

  26. I think taking photos of your other place to your new place is a good idea. So you will know where exactly to put your items in the new place.

  27. Guess I know what you are talking about, our last time moving was totally mess and we had to pay through our nose to get the shifting done as we had no alternative than hire to get things done..!

  28. This article is terrific, I will move out in a couple of months more precisely at the end of July, and it is a great blessing to have this help. Thank you!

  29. These are great moving tips! My husband and I are searching for our next house so I’m definitely going to keep these in mind when it’s time for us to pack up our current house and move.

  30. Yourself not easy moving work. Most of the people are thinking are moving is easy but only when he goes to do it is known. Get the right information on this blog. Your tips are very helpful and help to easy moving. I need this tips. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Moving company is the best option for the move because moving company is experiencing how to move and safely moving. No stress and workload for yourself. The right moving company hire is important to work. You share the great tips for hire moving company. It’s very helpful. Thanks!

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