Showing: 161 - 170 of 226 RESULTS

Winning The Liebster Award!

Yay, I have been nominated for Liebster Award! I have been nominated for this award by Sunburnt Aloe. She is a lifestyle blogger and writes …

June Favorites

Monthly Favorite Beauty Products for May & June

11 Awesome Quotes to make you Flawsome Instantly!

Flawsome: that I understand is the new word in my lexicon. I am starting to believe that we all have flaws that some are visible …


13 Reasons Why…You Should Drink Coffee

Originally Published 31st May 2017 Is this black liquid good for your health? The answer is short and simple – Yes – but in moderation. …


10 Things to do in Florence in 1 day : Short travel guide

“Visiting Florence was like flipping the pages of Renaissance.” “Why do you only put photos of Florence with a tag of “Throwback” – This is …

Incredible quotes

11 Incredible quotes that will change the way you live

Summer Glow

7 Simple tips and tricks to get that summer glow

Put your hands up if you love a beautiful summer glow like JLO? All it takes is the perfect combination of beauty products. First, let’s …

April Favorites

My Monthly Favorite Beauty Products- April

Hello Love, it’s my monthly favorite time again. Let’s unwrap monthly favorite beauty products- April For someone who loves taking care of skin, I’ve never …

17 Heartwarming quotes on reading to tickle your brain muscles!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can …


Korean Beauty adventure: The best of Skinfood

“I came, I saw, I conquered” – Julius Caesar. Isn’t it more relevant now with the Korean skincare conquering beauty industry? Skinfood adventure! Hi Loves, …