To my daughter on her 3rd birthday…celebrating Threenager!


The most precious moments in your life pass in a fast forward mode and slip beyond one’s grasp. On 25th August, we celebrated Mireya’s 3rd Birthday and my little girl is now a Threenager…

Dear Mireya

My little Rockstar you’re now Three years old!

Threenager is a magical age…you are like me in so many different ways but you resemble your father.

I remember it like it was yesterday: waking up at 5 a.m, getting ready for the special day and going to the hospital, knowing that within few hours (3 hours) you will be in my arms. It was perhaps the most amazing, peaceful and less painful birth experience. It may sound cliched but it was the happiest day of my life. That day I promised that I will give you whatever you want and will love you forever. 

This year you asked for (every little girl’s favorite) Anna and Elsa from the movie Frozen. I love the way you raise your arm and sing “Let it go” and make a face when you sing,” The cold never bothered me anyway.”

I searched for these dolls everywhere online and offline- Hamleys and Toystore – India and America but I didn’t find the one who is fully poseable. (She first saw Anna fully poseable in Arpita Maasi’s (Aunt) house and instantly fell in love with it). I wanted to present you authentic Disney doll and not the fake one. Finally, one fine day, I found these dolls in and within 10 days it was delivered to our house. I still can’t forget the way you were dancing and jumping all around. “For the first time in forever…”

Birthday Gift

Your dad wanted to make your birthday even more special so he ordered Anna and Elsa cake for you. We celebrated your birthday in Armani/Amal, Burj Khalifa. The ambiance of the restaurant is glorified with Dubai fountains and it served the authentic Indian cuisine.

A bit more about who you are at this very moment: 

You love to sing Three Little Kittens and dance like a ballerina

You love to make standing lines and hate making sleeping lines…you have started making smilies and I am extremely proud of that. 🙂

You love sticker books, farm stories, and activity books

You love to kiss Dad and me at night before sleeping. And you give me a tight cuddle and whisper, “I love you, Mumma.”

You love to travel with your Peppa Pig family and they all go with you everywhere. 

You are quite a Lady when it comes to saying Thank you, Sorry and Excuse me. Now, you’ve started covering your mouth with a tissue when you cough

You are an expert in using YouTube and you love to talk to Siri ?

You only speak in English but when you speak in Hindi…it’s funniest (Papa bhaggaya ?)


Too soon you will start your preschool and my young lady will become busier. I just want to freeze this time and enjoy your funny conversations. Stay the way you are and amuse us with your ever growing vocabulary and style of speaking. I simply love your Brit-accent! (Credit goes to Peppa Pig)

We tried to make your day special and I think we succeeded in doing so.

Here’s to celebrating many more birthdays, milestones, and moments.

Happy birthday, baby.



 Daddy and me!




Hope you enjoyed the glimpse of the celebration.  Here are some Disney quotes to boost your Monday mood!

See you soon!


38 thoughts on “To my daughter on her 3rd birthday…celebrating Threenager!

  1. Ohhh how sweet! Almost made cry because my daughter Mirabelle will actually turn 2 this coming sunday! The time flies by so fast! I am stay at home mum so the days with her are quite the same and I get quite bored but then I think at the same time that soon enlight she will start her preschool ect and I will miss her terriblly!

  2. Aw happy birthday to your Threenager she is blossoming into a beautiful girl. Oh and tell her I love daal as well! It is one of my favourite foods x

  3. How adorable! Happy birthday to your little lady! My little one is 15 months and she’s already growing more independent by the day. Cherish this time Mama! 🙂

  4. First of all, Happy Birthday to your daughter who turned 3. 3 is magical number because after that kids become children and they are allowed to do more activities.

  5. What a lovely idea, such a sweet letter. I love Sugaholic Bakeshop their cakes are always the perfect addition to a special occasion. I hope your daughter enjoyed her birthday, she’s lucky to have such wonderful parents 🙂

  6. How beautiful is this. What a beautiful gift you are giving your daughter and I congratulate you on this. Keep doing this.

  7. Awe, a very happy birthday to you lovely threenager Mireya. That frozen cake looks delish, my niece would have loved it, she is a fan of Elsa and Anna and also Peppa Pig just like your daughter.

  8. This is such a cool idea! It’ll be so cool for her to look back and see what you wrote each year. It looks like Mireya had a wonderful birthday!

  9. Aw a big Happy Birthday to Mireya! She is such a cutie. It looks like she had a brilliant day, and that cake is amazing.

  10. Ohhhh! how sweet is this post! It really melts my heart <3 <3 she is very talented, to be able to use youtube and talk to Siri 😉 I'm sure she will never forget this day, and how you made it very special.. wish her all the best..

  11. I love the way how you say ‘threenager’. I use to mess with my cousin when she was just six by calling her a sweet 16; she was just a smarty pants for her age. Whenever I referred to her as being 16 she would always correct me by shouting out her correct age which was only 6 at the time.

  12. Awww, what a cute letter to your little beautiful daughter. I love how you went over the moon to get her the dolls she wanted and how happy she was when she received them. It’s nice to have such nice models at this young age, the Frozen characters.

  13. Our kids grow up so quick it’s crazy sometimes to think about it. Your daughter is adorable, and I love the list you created here for her. It’s capturing a moment in time you wont get back but will always have this memory. It’s beautiful

  14. Happy third birthday to your Daughter. This looks like it was a great way to celebrate her birthday.

  15. Happy 3rd birthday to your little one! Life flies by so darn fast. Treasure every single moment. Before you know it you’ll blink and she’ll be a teenager.

  16. Happy Birthday to little sweet threenager!This is such a lovely post that also reminds me all the activities and favourites of my son who is going to be 4 soon.3rd birthday is so special because they have their own tastes and they know how to express the choices! 🙂

  17. I love this post/letter and I think it is such a good idea, can’t wait for your daughter to be able to read back on them!

  18. This letter is so heart-touching . I have a sister and I have already loved her so much. I imagine one day if I have a kid, maybe I will even love her more. This is a sweet letter. Anyway, Happy Birthday to your little angel.

  19. Peppa Pig and Mickey Mouse will always be the top upmost picks. I remember my 11 year old being into that. Dora isn’t around any more?

  20. I absolutely love the term threenager .So so cute and accurate haha! I’m going to start using that term now! She’s an absolute beauty

  21. She is definitely a mini you! I love this and threeangers are real they have the attitudes of lil teenagers!

  22. Oh such a sweet letter. I bet she will grow up as a gorgeous and sweet lady.
    Threenager is a new word for me!

  23. This was such a cute idea, to write your daughter a letter for her to read when she’s older! We did something similar when my son turned 1! It’s probably safe to say that Mickey Mouse is in every parent’s household! It looks like you and your family had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Aw this is such a lovely letter to your daughter! Im sure she will love to read it when she is older. You can feel the love in the words and I am pleased you managed to find her the dolls. The cake is amazing too and the restaurant you took her too sounds perfect.

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