6 Essential Oils to boost body, declutter mind & soul

Essential Oils

“The act of smelling something, anything, is remarkably like the act of thinking. Immediately at the moment of perception, you can feel the mind going to work, sending the odor around from place to place, setting off complex repertories through the brain, polling one center after another for signs of recognition, for old memories and old connection.” – Lewis Thomas. Healing power of essential oils extracted from plants is the perfect way to declutter your mind and soul.

I mustn’t. I can’t. And as I say this to myself a thousand times over, I knew it that I don’t want to say it. I spent the whole morning getting as much exercise as possible, which for me meant running and walking on a treadmill. This is the only way I know to clear the big “C” word from my mind. For past few days, I felt mentally exhausted and distracted. I started forgetting important dates, leaving the water running and even connecting to my inner-self. You know what I mean, it is not a happy spot. So, what is this “C” word that was bothering me? Clutter! Mental clutter that pulls us and disrupts that healthy balance. Life becomes so puzzling that you don’t know which way to go. Aromatherapy is the last thing, you would probably think to help you with mental clutter and procrastination. But maybe, you’re wrong!

You’ve got a headache? There’s an essential oil for that. Do you have a trouble in sleeping? There’s an essential oil for that. Do you have skin conditions – acne, aging to uneven skin tone? There’s an essential oil for that too.

Smell is one of the strongest senses we have, it can immediately influence our brain activity. This is one of the reasons why so often we feel relaxed when we inhale a particular smell. As if it tells the brain, “Calm down and relax!”



So here comes the first question:

What are essential oils?

“Essential oils are organic, concentrated, highly volatile, hydrophobic liquids that naturally occur within and are secreted by tiny structures located in a plant’s various parts – the seeds, grasses, roots, barks, stems, leaves, fruits, flowers, resins, zest and wood of plants. They are also referred to as volatile oils, ethereal oils, or aetherolea. Despite the word “oil,” they feel less viscous than oil, having more of a watery texture.”-  New Directions Aromatics


Essential Oils #essentialoils #body #mind #soul

I love essential oils, and I have put together this awesome crazy list of 6 essential oils that can help you manage your moods, boost your productivity, and declutter your mind. You can get these oils from New Directions Aromatics.

1. Lemon

Lemon oil has calming and clarifying properties that are helpful in easing stress, fighting fatigue and insomnia. It is also very helpful when you’re angry or depressed. Lemon essential oil is used to stimulate the immune system as it has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Put 1-2 drops of lemon oil in the diffuser and keep it in the middle of the table at your next brainstorming session.

2. Lavender

Lavender is one of the most versatile oils, I love it so much. In addition to calming and inducing sleep, it eases menstrual cramps, depression, and anxiety. There are a variety of products, including bath salts and massage oil that are easily available. I put 1-2 drops of lavender oil on cotton and inhale it to get instant relief. Another way to take advantage of this essential oil is to sip lavender infused herbal tea, which you can find in the supermarket.

3. Roman chamomile

Need an instant mood booster then get Roman Chamomile essential oil. It is considered as one of the oldest medicinal herbs known to mankind. It reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. I always keep chamomile tea in my pantry to calm and declutter my mind.


Forget coffee, Rosemary is there to boost your mornings. Rosemary oil helps reduce stress levels, boost mental activity, relieve fatigue and increases memory. Next time when you have to concentrate on an important project, get rosemary oil to support you.


Take a deep breath and inhale some peppermint oil. It encourages easy breathing and enhances mental focus. I always keep peppermint roller ball in my travel bag to instantly recharge my mind.


The sweet woody aroma of sandalwood takes me back to my childhood. In India, we respectfully apply sandalwood paste on our forehead after prayer. The fragrance of sandalwood oil gives a mental clarity, calms the mind and boosts memory. It is one of my favorite essential oil and I burn sandalwood incense sticks in the morning to invite positivity and harmony.

Essential Oils #body #mind #soul

Ways to use essential oils:

1. Put few drops of an essential oil on a handkerchief or cotton pad.

2. Put few drops of an essential oil to a bath or shower

3. Put few drops of essential oil in an electric diffuser.

4. Put few drops of essential oils to a spray bottle filled with distilled water.

Warning: Always Keep in mind that it’s important to consult a health professional before using any type of essential oil.

Interesting Titbit:“In the 20th century, aromas were first used in therapeutic practice. The founder of this practice was Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French perfumer, and chemist, who accidentally discovered that when he applied Lavender oil to a burn on his hand the healing process was extraordinarily quick. He observed that the oil was both aromatic and therapeutic and coined the term Aromatherapy.” – New Directions Aromatics

What are your favorite essential oils to declutter and calm your mind?

Do you want to try out some DIYs using essential oils? If yes, then click here.

Lots of love!


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by New Directions Aromatics.  The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

83 thoughts on “6 Essential Oils to boost body, declutter mind & soul

  1. HAve been reading more and more such posts. the more I do the more I realize the importance of such essential oils in our daily life!

  2. haven’t tried peppermint oil from the 6 mentioned here and agree to the importance of them. I was looking out a few days back a raw peppermint oil but couldn’t get any.

  3. The essential oils I usually buy are lavender, lemon and peppermint. I would love to try the others too. I think any thing with roses is worth a a try. Each has it own unique benefit and I’d love to experience them all.

  4. I’ve never really understood the need of essential oils however I started using one a couple of weeks ago and it does kind of make a difference 🙂 Fav? – Lemon or Lavander.

  5. I have a lot of friends who use essential oils. They are all really happy with them and say they help 🙂

  6. I agree that peppermint is an essential oil that should definitely have to soothe you. Also I would recommend chamomile which is good for when you feel anxious which for me is often!

  7. I’ve been thinking about trying essential oils recently as the benefits sound amazing but I didn’t know where to start. I found this post really helpful and it’s definitely spurred me on even more to invest in some

  8. This is so cool because literally as I am reading the different qualities of the oils I realized that there is one for every member of my family! I need rosemary right now!!

  9. I’ve never been able to stomach using essential oils because the smell is just wayyy too overpowering for me, but my roommate loves them! I’ll pass this article along to her 🙂

  10. Funny my sister was just in my office and put a peppermint defuser in my office for me to use. It really did help relax me and just made me fill better overall.

    1. I think essential oils should be there in the office as these oils really help in concentrating on work and at the same time, it helps in relaxing!

  11. Such an interesting read. I go through stages of burning essential oils all the time, and then forgetting about them for a year. I love Lavender and Sandalwood. Always hated Lemon though, it makes me strangely queezy.

    Ami xxx

    1. Hahahha…that happens to me too. But these days when I really get stressed or exhausted, I run towards essential oils. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post! 🙂

  12. I love lavender and sandlewood and use them and other essential oils in my home. They really work on the subtlest bidy level and I always feel rejuvenated afterwards.

  13. I have some of these oils in a drawer. I need to make use of some of these great ideas. I love the smell of eucalyptus oil in the shower.

  14. My yoga teacher used to start our session with putting a drop of teatree oil into my palms and ask me to hold my hands in front of my face and inhale the scent. It immediately switched me off from the “reality” and helped me to focus on the session. I’m doing this trick ever since every time I need to focus on something at work etc.

  15. I’m a big fan of essential oils and have used them a lot over the years. My favourite has got to be two that you have included in your list. Lavender and Chamomile. I keep the Lavender on a hanky beside my bed and it helps me to relax and sleep.

  16. I loved reading this, I’m a big fan of essential oils. I especially love lavender and rosemary!

  17. I love learning about essential oils, my favorite is lavender, I use lavender oil every night in my diffuser to help me sleep well.

  18. Lemon basil and eucalyptus have always been my favorite oils. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum from each other but I love them equally.

  19. All of those oils are pretty great and they certainly contain some great properties to them that calm and soothe. I wouldn’t use lavender but there are psychosomatic reasons for that which have nothing to do with the oil itself. But great information here.

    1. I think it is very important to consider which oil works best for you as everything is not for everyone. There are so many fragrances that are so strong that I can’t even stand.

      Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post! 🙂

  20. This is great, but I especially agree with you about the powers of peppermint oil. Inhaling some peppermint oil can really change how you’re feeling! I haven’t experimented as much with the others, but I’ve seemingly got to!

  21. I haven’t done essential oils in a long time and really want to get back into them. The lemon one surprises me actually. I think I am going to try that one next.

  22. Lavander is my all-time favorite oil. Mostly because it helps me feel calm when the world gets to be too much. That being said, this week when I went in for my monthly massage, they were offering a peppermint foot scrub for not a lot extra. Of course, I said “yes” and it was absolutely heavenly. x

    1. Peppermint foot scrub sounds divine! Lavender is, in my opinion, King of essential oils. Thanks 🙂

  23. I adore essential oils! I keep my lavender oil by my bedside and I spritz it on my pillow before I got to bed, for deep and restfull sleep! It is a miracle worker!

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