Hello World: What is Perfect Life?

Perfect Life

What do you think is the key to a perfect life?

No, it’s not money!

Let me answer this for you. The key to a perfect life is to make sure that you use LISTS daily.

It might sound weird but,yes, it is as simple as that. Rest everything will follow.

An organized brain with no stress stimuli leads to creativity and productivity. It can happen only when you are not overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do. Or when you have made a list of things you want to accomplish in a year.

The crazy list is all about lists. Any kind of list.  ENJOY lists, LISTEN to your heart, and DO it right now.

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Grab a cup of coffee!

2 thoughts on “Hello World: What is Perfect Life?

    1. Quest for being organized is never ending?
      Glad to know that you also like making lists. Let’s make more CRAZY list. Thanks

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