Are you one of those people who think twice before giving someone a ride because your car isn’t clean?

Are you one of those people whose things start falling off the car when you open the door?

Are you one of those people whose car is a second home?


For many of us our car is our second home where we spend most of our day. This house also requires some overhaul to make it clean and fresh.

Here is a list of 5 ways to make your vehicle clean and organized. Time to make it a beautiful abode without much effort.

Clean Car



Like any organization tip there is a rule that you have to follow as a GOLDEN RULE. This might sound easy but this is a toughest thing to do. Make sure whatever goes inside the car should come out very same day. This is a difficult thing to do especially if you deal with papers or you are a student who keeps his notes in the car. Except for important things every other thing should come out very same day.

2- Declutter your car regularly

Dedicate one day in cleaning up all the mess residing in the car. For me, Sunday is the day. If you do this every week your work will be easier. Even if you cannot dedicate any day since you are too busy to clean up your car, then buy time. Yes, you are right! Buy time! Do it when you wait for someone in the car or when you are at the fuel station.


3- Carry trash bags and an organizer in your car

Keep trash bags in the car and get rid of it every second day. Also, use a folder to keep all important documents like copy of license, insurance, car manual etc. You can also carry a small basket in the trunk and keep other essentials like first aid kit, diary, pen, recycled shopping bag, USB mobile device charger etc.

4- Carry cleansing wipes

I usually carry Dettol Anti Bacterial Multi-use cleansing wipes in my car. Whenever I get time, I just use these wipes and clean the steering wheel, dashboard, and also my girl’s car seat. They are perfect for quick clean such as food spillage or dust on the surface. In fact you can use any wipes you have, I have even tried baby wipes, and it gives the same result.

Cleansing Wipe

5- All weather floor mats

Invest in all weather floor mats that are easier to clean than carpet. They are not only durable but also they don’t stain. Car floors are extremely vulnerable to dirt: beach sand or desert sand or from shoes. These floor mats can be easily cleaned and it has long life.

Weather Mats
Source: autoanything.com

There are three things that men always talk about- women, cars and sports. It’s time to do some small efforts and make your car clean and organized. Also, it’s time to get personal grooming essentials too!

Now, it’s time to go for a long drive with some friends.

Hope you liked the post.

Lots of love!
