Men’s Grooming Products: 10 Must-have grooming essentials for a busy man

Ever wonder what are the grooming products guys use to get that flawless look?  Have you ever sneaked into your man’s grooming kit!

This is something I wanted to know for a long time and, last night, I got the trigger. Now, let me start with a confession- I am jealous of my husband’s flawless skin. Last night I again asked him the same old question, “What is the secret of your glowing skin?” He, genuinely, looked amused and blushed. “I trust you will let me know the secret”.

“I have no beauty secrets to tell you. You know I drink water like a fish. I eat healthy. I exercise daily, no matter what. Now, please don’t embarrass me with such a question.” He gives me a bottle of water as a token of appreciation. “I know it is something else,” I mutter, taking a sip from the bottle. It is a daunting task to get something out of him. So, I sneaked into my husband’s grooming kit in the bathroom (c’mon…let’s face the bitter truth, MEN DO IT ALL THE TIME!).

What I saw was breathtaking, I saw grooming products on the shelf that I never noticed. I started looking at those products and made a CRAZY LIST of 10 GROOMING PRODUCTS THAT EVERY BUSY MEN SHOULD OWN. And, as an extra bonus: I know what I have to gift him on his birthday!



1. Neutrogena Men Skin Cleaning Acne wash

I know this is something he carries all the time, whenever we travel. He has an oily skin and it’s difficult to deal with it. This is one gentle cleanser that neither irritates his skin nor makes it too dry.

2. L’oreal Men Expert Daily Moisturizer

As mentioned earlier he has an oily skin. Anything non greasy works wonder to his skin and this is clearly his favorite. It smells so good. I don’t know why but I love the smell of men products. There is something that is so refreshing in the fragrance.

3. Gillette Fusion Proglide Flexball

Any razor cannot be a good razor until and unless it gets WIFE ACCEPTANCE AWARD. I hereby, pronounce this razor as the best razor he has ever owned. One thing that annoys women are thick baby hair on the cheeks that are left after shave. This razor makes his cheek kiss-worthy. Girls go and gift this weapon to your man, RIGHT NOW!

4. Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer

I couldn’t get hold of the name of the trimmer. I have seen this trimmer with him for years now. I am glad that he owns this because I detest men with hair oozing out of their nose and ear.

5. L’oreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Sensitive Shaving foam

I have seen this shaving foam for a while now. It seems that he likes this one more than his Gillette classic foam in sensitive skin. Since, I cannot see any red bumps or cuts on his face; I can safely assume this one is his current favorite.

Grooming Products
10 Grooming Products for Busy Men

6. Nivea for men sensitive post shave balm

Imagine daily shaving your skin…it freaks me out. Men deal with it every single or alternate day. This  balm is an essential as it calms the skin and makes it silky. The best thing is that I use it too as a primer underneath my make up (Courtesy one beauty vlogger’s advice. This product is better than my expensive SMASHBOX primer)

7. Burt’s Bees Lip Balm

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm is his trophy wife; he carries it everywhere he goes. He has this lip balm virtually everywhere, in his workspace, car, near bed and bathroom. It has beeswax and antioxidant Vitamin E which conditions and soothes his lips. I am guilty of stealing one from his collection. I LOOOOVVE IT!

8. Listerine Mouthwash

Listerine is a champ when it comes to oral hygiene and it is one of the MUST HAVE for all men regardless of being busy or lazy. No wonder his dental records are excellent as compared to mine.

9. Old Spice Original Deodorant

He is blessed with good body odor. Even if he sweats like a pig,he doesn’t smell foul. I thank God for this blessing. This classic deodorant is a new entrant to the list and it is  just FABULOUS. If you remember the smell of legendary OLD SPICE, you will understand how addictive it can be.

10. Lush Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub

I bought this scrub for myself and it ended up in my husband’s grooming kit. I didn’t care about this product as I found it too harsh on my skin and it tasted so bad. He loved it because it gets rid of blackheads and exfoliates skin pretty amazingly. He also loved its smell. It’s a holy grail for anyone who is looking for a good exfoliator or a scrub.

After doing this short fun exercise, I know what I have to gift him on his birthday. Go and check out the wonderful grooming products your man indulges. Guys go and spend some extra time in front of the mirror, it’s worth it. And if you are a busy woman then here are the 8 Beauty Essentials for Women on the Go.

See you guys with new CRAZY LIST very soon.

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