5 Fall Makeup Trends to try in 2017: Unicorn lips to cut-crease!

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” – Lauren DeStefano. As we get ready for the festive season ahead, let’s indulge in Fall Makeup trends of 2017.

With the arrival of Fall season, our minds are turning to our holiday wardrobe, and the new season trends we’d like to adopt whilst enjoying vampy-hues. The matte skin, highlighted cheeks, cozy candles, and berry lips. Listen, I know you must be busy decluttering your wardrobe and making space for sweaters, jackets, and cardigans. So why not, try out these fall makeup trends too. To satisfy your appetite for new makeup trends, here are 5 Fall Makeup trends that you can try in 2017.


Forget naked and nude shades. Say hello to bold smokey eyes, bright eyeliners, and glitters. Eyes that pop and make a statement. It’s time to take out your insanely pigmented and metallic eyeshadows and let your eyes- pop, of course! Morphe Brushes 35 F – Fall into  Frost has all the frosty metallic eyeshadows which are perfect to compliment the festive season. Read my full review of this palette here. Lorac Pro 2  palette has all the fall inspired colors from navy blue to dusty plum and jade green. It is a palette that I reach when I feel like indulging in some intense smokey eye look. Please welcome queen of palettes, Anastasia Beverly Hills Renaissance Palette. This palette has 11 matte and 3 shimmer eyeshadows. Burgundy smokey eye…

Fall Fashion Trends 2017 #makeup #palette



Yes, I agree Fall is all about dark, vampy, berry-toned lip color but I wouldn’t mind wearing orange with a swipe of holographic gloss. Who doesn’t want to be kissed by a Unicorn? I have claimed that million times that I am a lipstick connoisseur. There’s so much more you can do with lipsticks in autumn than burnt sienna.  Here are my favorites for Fall 2017

  1. ELF Moisturizing Lipstick in Blackberry
  2. NYX Intense Butter Gloss in Copenhagen
  3. Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Matte Lipstick – Exorcism
  4. Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick mini (Red Edition) – Famous
  5. Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick mini (Red Edition)- Showgirl
  6. Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick mini (Red Edition)- Material Girl
  7. Huda Beauty Lip Strobe – Snobby

Fall Fashion Trends 2017 #hair #makeup #lipstick


Lashes that you can see from the space is what you need this fall. Get the best mascara in the town and make it your best friend. I never use mascara on my bottom lashes but this season I am going to show them some love too. I am currently obsessed with Benefit They’re real mascara and Ardell false lashes in Double up (204).


I love watching Instagram queens doing perfect cut-crease with ease. This fall I am going to give it a try too – I just wish I don’t look like a dramatic theater artist or Halloween drag queen. Have you ever tried cut-crease?


Bye! Bye! Champagne and gold highlighter. It’s time to welcome highlighter of the new generation – Purple highlighter. I was so intimidated to use this color but it gives the most subtle flush of glow on the cheekbones and facial dimensions. The intensity of the highlighter totally depends on you. If Rihanna can do it, so can you! 🙂

Have fun with beauty, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Be fearless!

This is a perfect time for wardrobe refresh and new makeup additions. What is your favorite Fall fashion and makeup trend? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Fall makeuo and fashion trend 2017

150 thoughts on “5 Fall Makeup Trends to try in 2017: Unicorn lips to cut-crease!

  1. Going to pass this along to the MUA I work with, there are some great ideas in here for our next shoot. I always look forward to the color shift for our fall fashion shoots.

    1. That’s awesome. A purple highlighter is something you should try it out…I am sure it will look gorgeous on you! Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  2. You are totally on it with the metallic/glittery eyes and purple highlighter! I also love my Lorac Pro 2 palette but I normally reach for it for neutral looks. I definitely have to use those blue and plum colors more this season.

    1. Same here…I am in love with Lorac Pro 2, it is such a versatile palette. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

    1. That’s awesome…try bold looks this Fall. I am sure you’ll love playing with colors. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  3. I love this! I am so glad to hear about bold lashes, the purple highlighter and dramatic eyes! I wish I could sport the bold lip though! You look so gorgeous!

  4. I do love all of these colors. I admit, I don’t wear a lot of makeup so I don’t know much about it. But I have a feeling my daughter will be an expert.

  5. Ireally like that Cut Eye look and am going to give my hand at trying it out. Not sure how well it will turn out but will give it a go! I’m sure it won’t be as pretty as the picture lol

  6. Everyday is a makeup struggle. I watch too many bloggers and feel inadequate. I should just suck it up. Hit play and rewind until I get the look right.

    1. Hahhahaha…I have tried that too. But trust me to use your own imagination and play with colors…you’ll love it!

  7. I don’t use make up a lot, but I love lipsticks and glosses. Love the shades by Huda, but they are not easily available in India 🙁 Wish they were. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Huda Beauty is missing out some good business, I think they should launch it in Sephora, India too. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

    1. Oh! I need to try tubular mascara, it sounds awesome. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  8. I love Autumn beauty shades they are so rich and inviting. The palettes you have showcased are great. My favourite item of Autumn make up has got to be lipsticks. I adore all the dark vampy and plum shades out there for this season.

    1. That’s awesome even I love dark lipcolors in Autumn. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  9. Living in Singapore we don’t get any seasonal changes, so chat about Fall fashion trends is completely unrelatable for me, HOWEVER…make up I can totally get on board with! I love your round up, and actually I just splurged (seriously splurged) on a Charlotte Tillbury eye palette of dusky hues for Fall. You’ve got me so excited to try it out now!

    1. After burning hot summers, Dubai is a dream destination in Fall/Winter season. You can experience mild winters but it is something we all look forward to. I have never tried CT’s eyeshadow palette, now I am intrigued to look for it.Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  10. Im glad you said say hello to bold smokey eyes because this is my favourite style for fall and winter! My favourite fall fashion trend is skirts, tights and boots!

  11. I am so clueless when it comes to makeup. I don’t even know what some of these terms mean! I’ve been doing the same thing for the last 10 years, but it works for me. I should try to get more adventurous at some point though.

    1. Get adventurous this Fall, I am sure you will love it. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  12. I wish I was good at doing makeup and catching up on makeup trends, thanks for highlighting this for me as I am so bad at knowing whats in style

  13. I don’t know anything about makeup trends, but what I can see from your post is that bold, dramatic looks are in for this season! Looks totally awesome if you ask me.

  14. I love the look of the Cut Crease and the Purple Highlighter – though not sure I could pull either of them off! The purple is very autumnal though, I love it x

    1. I am still not sure of cut-crease but purple highlighter is something that you will definitely enjoy.
      Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  15. Oh well.. we ladies, really love this article. Make up! Though its challenging, yes the struggle is real – I so love doing the smokey eyes and lavishing lashes. I wish there is an instant stick for that hehe.

  16. Okay purple highlighter is something I definitely need to try! And I’m a hugeee fan of cut/crease. Sometimes I really stuff it up though, I have no idea how haha.

  17. As someone who although doesn’t wear makeup everyday,but still enjoys playing around with eye makeup…I am loving that we’re getting more bold eyes. I can definitely see myself rocking this and the bold lip all season.

  18. I’m so excited for fall makeup! I love a bold/dark lip. I’ve been wanting to try the purple highlight trend. I may just pick up the purple matchstick from Fenty beauty.

    1. That’s awesome. Even I am planning to try out some Fenty products.
      Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  19. Dramatic Eyes are always my favourite. I love when girls work on their eyes. That does not mean that they should do everytime. I find them attractive in this case.And lipstick bold one i feel just do for party. Rest iit just fades away. That is what I think.

    1. I know you can’t-do bold makeup every time. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  20. I agree with the purple highlighter. I have a few bronzers that are bold in color and have a mix of gold accents in it. And wow it does give the skin that extra fabulous glow. And yes to bold lips too.

  21. Love the Fall make-up trends! They’re not as colorful as the summer but they’re also full of personality as well. These are definitely something to look forward to this season!

  22. These look like great makeup tips for the fall as the colors are changing. I can imagine needing to change things over as the seasons change. I will have to pass this information on to my daughter.

  23. NOOOO! I’m so not ready to say goodbye to my minimal make-up (or no make-up) summer natural shades! You’ve given me some inspiration to boldly go bold, something I will do reluctantly. But I guess this is one way not to dread colder weather too much.

    1. I can understand what you’re saying as for me Fall/Winter season is a time to go out and enjoy mild winters. Dubai is burning hot in summers so this is the only time to enjoy some outdoor activities. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  24. I’ve been having a little bit more fun with my colors lately so I’d love to change things up for fall. I’ve discovered I’m a fan of Elf products now. I’d love to try some of their fall colors.

    1. That’s a great idea! I will definitely post some looks next time.Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  25. Purple highlighter is my new favorite and sometimes I just wear it around the house because it is so pretty 😛 I love that cute owl sitting next to your lip pies 🙂

  26. I am seeing more colorful make-up this season. I think it’s a terrific way to keep the spirit of summer into the fall. I’m all for unicorn anything too.

  27. I like that Anastacia palette, perfect choice for fall! I will check if available in our Beauty Bar.

  28. I’m not even going to try and pretend I know anything about makeup but I will say you have a very great voice. This was a fun post to read because of all the bold colors and statements being made, which matches the stylistic choices of the makeup itself. Thank you for such a well crafted and informational piece.

  29. I love love dramtic eyes during fall time! I am not to keen on the purple/unicorn highlighter! Just a streak of purple highlighter on the cheek bone makes my eyes burn!

  30. I am not much of a make up person but I would suggest these to my daughter and my niece. They always love to try new make up. Thank you for your honest review of the products.

  31. I am so excited for Fall, it’s my favourite Season too! I have to say that at 32 I’m.not really too big on the bold eyeshadow trends as I can’t wear them to work but they’re always to fun and beautiful to look at on Pinterest and the beauty models. I love wearing the darker lipsticks in Fall.

    1. I am 32 too but I agree you can’t wear bold colors in office. You like wearing darker lipsticks is awesome. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  32. That cut crease looks great. I am all about bold lips in Fall and Winter. I will be trying purple highlighter this season. Thanks for the tips

    1. Even I don’t know how to do cut-crease but I am going to try it out definitely. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂

  33. I don’t wear makeup on a day to day basis-too much work! Lol. I did try lashes once and it felt like a ton of bricks was on my eyelashes! It was the individual ones so maybe she put too many on?

    1. Hahhaahh…I can completely relate to what you are saying as my sister also doesn’t enjoy wearing makeup. 🙂

  34. I always fail to do cut-crease look! I need more practise 🙂
    I like your newest lipsticks!

  35. berry-toned lip color is awesome for giving different bold shades to the lips. this makeup trend blog is really good.

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