New Mom Guide: How to Get Back to Work After Having a Baby

Discover effective tips and supportive strategies for successfully re-entering the workforce after maternity leave. Our new mom guide provides insights on balancing professional commitments with the joys of motherhood, ensuring a seamless transition back to work.

From time-management techniques to building a supportive network, empower yourself to thrive both personally and professionally as a new mom.

Going back to work after having a baby is an emotionally and even financially stressful thing. Things will have changed at the office, and it can take some time to settle back in. From considering child care to looking after your personal needs, here are some suggestions.

Return to the Job Bit by Bit

Having a baby is a major change in life. Many moms don’t feel like they will be able to manage, but here we all are. Of course, there are the usual doubts, especially when it comes to work. These include worries about losing a job or losing pay or even thinking, “What if I don’t like being a mom and put my career first?” These are all normal, and it isn’t a bad thing to feel like this. The key is addressing how you feel and easing yourself into work bit by bit after you return.

Consider the Type of Child Care

Obviously, you need to leave the care of your child to someone else when you return to work postpartum. This can be emotionally intense for some mothers and relatively easy for others. It may just be a case of figuring out which type of childcare you are comfortable with. Some workplaces even offer in-house child care, but this is rare. Options include day nurseries, relatives such as grandparents, and even nannies and au pairs if you can afford them. It’s a good idea to find childcare you can really trust, so make sure you do your research – downloading the app is a good place to start. 

Pump at Work After Having a Baby

It is hard for some mothers to get back into the swing of things when returning to their jobs. One survey in the UK found that out of 1,000 new moms, 31% found it harder than they expected. There are a few reasons for this, such as tiredness, emotional stress, and pumping. Yes, pumping! Your baby needs food, and pumping is essential for expressing the milk they need. You are legally allowed to pump at work, and you can build up batches of frozen baby milk.

Address Your Emotional Needs

Pregnancy, birth, and motherhood are all trying times and can take their toll on your emotions. None of this is your fault and happens because of hormonal changes. To cope with going back to work, it may be necessary to address your emotional needs to reduce common issues such as anxiety, guilt, and sadness. Some common coping methods for getting back to work include mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and even talking about your issues with colleagues.

Look for Support When You Need It

Talking with colleagues, as mentioned above, is an excellent way to break the ice and make getting back to work after having a baby much more bearable. But of course, there is more to support than that. A support network is essential, both inside and outside of work. Never be afraid to seek support and find it where you can. Family and friends are almost always the first people you think of. But other new parents in support groups can offer the help you need.


A phased return can help ease the transition when getting back to work after having a baby. Baby’s needs also come first, and you have the right to pump milk while at the office. If you feel emotional, finding support from co-workers, family, and other new moms can ease your mind.

New Mom Guide


Hope you liked the new mom guide!

Lots of love


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  1. I’ve often wondered how new mom’s handle having a career and a small child at the same time. I believe we should extend every possible benefit to help with this.

  2. It can be so hard to need to leave the kiddos at a daycare center or with a sitter to go back to work, but it can also help reduce some stress & gives mom an opportunity to connect with other adults during the day. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I found it challenging to go back to work when I was a new dad. I guess the effort is double for new moms. Great tips, mommies definitely need all the help and support they can get.

  4. Bit by bit is smart! I remember i had post partum blues once.

  5. I WISH I’d had a guide like this after I had my first child. Getting back into the swing of things was so, so difficult for me. These tips make so much sense, and any new mom should read this.

  6. I feel like any mom could definitely use this. As a man, I cannot imagine carrying a baby for nine months, going through labor – natural or otherwise – getting the baby acclimated to their new world, and THEN having to go back to work after all that previous work!

  7. To be honest, a guide like that would have helped me so much when I had my daughter. Nevertheless, we women always find our own way out to make things work.

  8. I was very lucky with my babies that we had family step in most of the time to help watch them when I was working until they were older. I do appreciate that because my daughter is struggling with daycare. She doesn’t like to leave them with strangers and she and I both work days, so I can’t help.

  9. Addressing your emotional needs is so important. It’s really tough those first few days/weeks/months after having a baby!

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