Originally published on 19th February 2018
Flawsome is the new awesome!
We all want to be awesome. But how can we possibly feel awesome if we’re constantly concentrating on our flaws? Flaws are an integral part of our existence, some are visible and some are not. We don’t know how to feel good and co-exist with our flaws, that’s a problem. Learn to be flawsome!
Have you heard the awesome story “The Cracked Pot”!
A Water Bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One pot had a crack in it, and the other pot was perfect. The perfect pot delivered full water at the end of the long walk from the stream to his house. The cracked pot, on the other hand, arrived only half full. This continued for a very long time.
The perfect pot was proud of its accomplishment, but the cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection. After two years of what it perceived to be a failure, it spoke to his Master, “I am ashamed of myself, I want to apologize to disappoint you.”
“Why?” asked his Master. “Why are you disappointed?”
“I’m ashamed of myself because this crack in my side causes water to leak all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said.
The Water Bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion, he said, “As we return to the house, did you notice the beautiful flowers along the path.” The cracked pot instantly noticed beautiful flowers on the side of the path. “Now, look at the other pot’s side. There were flowers only on your side of your path because I have always known about your flaws. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years, I have decorated flowers on my table. Your imperfection made it possible.”
The cracked pot was Flawsome!

Being Flawsome isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes immense work, dedication and will to learn/unlearn. But practicing self-acceptance will give you everlasting happiness. Self-acceptance isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes extensive work and considerable dedication. But learning how to love yourself right and treat yourself well can impact the way you live your life and the things you’re able to accomplish. I know I am awesome, but it won’t do any good till I don’t shun the voices that let me down. When I accepted my flaws, I became flawsome.
In a New York Times interview, Clifford Nass – a professor of communications at Stanford University – explains, “Negative emotions generally require more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly than positive ones.” The extra brain power that’s required to process negative emotions means we spend more time contemplating the bad stuff and less time on the good stuff. – Huffington Post
Here are seven ways to kickstart your journey to be Flawsome:
Believe in yourself
The ability to believe in yourself is the key to success. It is important that you trust your dreams and decisions, regardless of what others say. You will find many critics in your life. Absorb constructive criticism and work on it but don’t let projected criticism affect you.
“Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions … do your thing, and don’t care if they like it.” –Tina Fey

Celebrate your strengths
I have realized that we tend to spend most of our time and energy on focusing our weaknesses compared to our positive traits. It can be because of the self-esteem that’s breeding inside our mind or it can be a result of the constant comparison. It is extremely important to identify and focus on your strength and outsource or ask for help regarding the areas which you consider as your weakness. If finances is one of your weaknesses, seek the assistance of an accountant or a financial advisor like Daniel Lerner and David Lerner Associates. By outsourcing your finances, you’ll be able to pay off debt, start an investment portfolio, and save for future success – an achievement worthy of celebration! Even if your columns don’t add up perfectly, remember that your strengths make you truly Flawsome! Stop comparing yourself. Be positive.
“Accept yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your truths, and know what tools you have to fulfill your promises.” – Steve Maraboli

Practice Gratitude
I read something worth a thought last week and I still couldn’t take it out of my mind. “Science indicates that the human brain has a negativity bias, which means, according to psychologist Rick Hanson, Ph.D., “the brain is like Velcro for negative experiences but Teflon for positive ones.” Because of this bias, you need to intentionally create a high ratio of positive events to negative events.”- The Chopra Center
Gratitude has the endless health benefits. It gives you a sense of belonging and also, allows you to feed your brain with some positive thoughts. Take a break from your busy life and notice things you’re thankful for. It’s not difficult to infuse gratitude into your life and take stock of all the positive things in life.

Accept imperfection
Perfection is an illusion. Don’t try to fit the mold of “Perfection”. Embrace your value, your talent and be confident in your skin. True confidence lies deep within our skin and not from what’s on the outside. When you accept yourself, you look your true identity. When you look only at your imperfections and downplay other aspects, you ignore your true-worth.
Confront your fears
When we are moving towards our dreams, fear of failure is inevitable and logical. We have two choices: we can let it prevent us from fulfilling our goal or we can use it to boost our motivation. Fear of failure has a twin sister – procrastination. This not only kills valuable time but also affects our approach towards fear. You don’t have to immediately defeat your fear. Use it in your brainstorming session and find a solution to your fear. Face your fear!
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.
Forgive but don’t Forget
Forgiving is not a synonym of forgetting. Forgiving is like accepting what happened and forgetting loses the lesson. Which obviously we don’t want!
Don’t hold a grudge. Just let it go!
“Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes, the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson.”- Paulo Coelho
Let Go toxic people
Negative people have only one goal in mind- to bring you down. They will tell you 99 reasons why you can’t achieve your goals or drag you down to their level. Sometimes it is easier to find faults in others than fixing the faults in their own life. They have a problem with every solution. Stay away from toxic people.
“The worst person to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing.”
You don’t have to be awesome, you have to be flawsome to reach your personal and professional goals.
Sometimes we are Awesome because of our flaws. What are the flaws that make you awesome? Are you flawsome?
Share your thoughts.
Lots of love,
This is truely inspiring actually motivated me… Everyone has flaws but to love and accept them is what matters at the end..
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Well, I’m a flawsome cracked pot! I love this post as it reminds me to embrace all of me. This is something I will be sharing with others this week. Thanks so much
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Our differences are supposed to make the world awesome, but usually, people just strive to fit in and not be that different. Our differences could make us flawsome if we let them; plus, there’s also that possibility that they’re not even flaws in the first place! Thanks for this reminder. Blessings to you.
I completely agree with you. 🙂
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I loved the cracked pot story, very inspiring. Thank you for the positive message!
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What a beautiful parable. It’s about knowing all your flaws and embracing them not being ashamed of them.
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All the coolest people are flawesome.
Completely agree! 🙂
I love this word Flawsome is definitely something I am going to use in my vocabulary 🙂 Love the story, what a perfect way of summing it up.
It’s awesome to be flawsome!:)
I really love this post!!! I need to print it out and read it everyday!! You are right its not an overnight change but practicing what this post says everyday will help us get there! Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post! 🙂
these are some grrat tips. We all have flaws and that’s something we have to deal with. Just turn them into something positive and don’t think of them as flaws.
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I’ve never heard the story of the cracked pot before, but I love it! It’s so easy to get caught up in the negatives, but it’s so much more important to look at the positives. These are some great ways to keep looking up!!
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
I always like to hear positive and motivational post, particularly on a Monday. Thanks for all the positive tips.
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
I loved the story of the cracked pots. I’ve never heard that before. You had a lot of good things to say. Very encouraging.
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Great post, I love the way you wrote it!
Thanks! 🙂
hahaha I love the term flawsome! Sometimes we need a little reminder that it’s okay to not be perfect and to not waste precious energy on trying to be
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This is such a lovely post, I mean I’m Flawsome, lol. What makes me happy despite flaws is the confidence in self and the feeling to show gratitude to all.
Thanks for sharing…I am glad that you liked the post!
Flawsome is an amazing word!! and yes to all of this! I love it and it’s hugely inspiring to read!
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Some of these are easier said than done specially the “letting go of toxic people” which I wish I could easily do but some of them are just nightmares that follow you around.
I completely agree sometimes it’s difficult to let go toxic people but avoiding them will ease temporary harm. Thanks 🙂
Letting go of toxic people is so hard. Sometimes the pull of friendship is strong but no one should make you feel bad.
I know it is difficult to let go toxic people and sometimes avoiding them is the only option left. Be Flawsome!
The story about the cracked pot is brilliant and I am loving the term “flawsome”. I always find it’s easier to say nice things about other people than it is about or to ourselves. I think you have inspired me to try and give myself more praise even when things don’t go to plan.
It’s awesome to be flawsome. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Flawsome. What an awesome word! Such an inspiring post. Really puts stuff into perspective. We should all learn to embrace our quirks and flaws. That’s what makes us special and unique
It’s awesome to be flawsome. Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Wow! I needed to read this so much! Thank you for the post!
WORK YOUR FLAWS!! If you OWN YOUR FLAWS – you will be considered AWESOME because CONFIDENCE IS AWESOME and INSANELY attractive!
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What a great post! I agree that confidence and owning it are the way to go. 🙂
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Every one of us have flaws but not all can rock it and turn it as their assets. I learned to make my flaws into my charms and sexiness thanks to my Amore for his encouragement. Adding flaws with right attitude and confidence are the key.
It’s awesome to be flawsome! Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post 🙂
I absolutely love the idea of being flawsome and can’t wait to embrace it for myself. Here’s to all the cracked pots out there- will definitely be sending this post to my friends who could use a little self-love and celebration.
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I’d never heard this story before and love it. Our flaws are what makes us unique!
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What a great reminder of things that we should practice every day. I personally like the one about forgiving but not forgetting one 🙂
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Growing up, I’ve often heard wonderful and inspirational stories from my grandma and ‘cracked pot’ was one of them. It reminds me of my childhood and that relationship which i shared with her. Thank you for sharing the story. You have also beautifully mentioned all the points of being flawsome. What a great post!
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
These are great. My main thing was always letting go of toxic people in your life. It can make such a big difference in your life. <3
I completely agree! Life is awesome without toxic people around 🙂
Sorry true!! You have to believe in your self and celebrate your strengths. A great motto!
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
I love the use of Flawsome. I haven’t heard of this before but definitely think you can be awesome and have flaws 🙂
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Such a beautiful story. Infact strengths are seldom appreciated and flaws are often talked about. It’s great to have them, for they make us complete 🙂
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Flawsome! I LOVE it!! I am loaded with “flaws” and I love each and every one of them because they make up who I am as an individual. I even love my physical “flaws” because they give me character!! Great tips for those that struggle with excepting their “flaws” my favorite one is practicing gratitude! I think everyone should adopt an attitude of gratitude in all aspects of their lives ?
Thanks…It’s awesome to be flawsome! 🙂
This is a lovely and well needed post – its so easy to only see a flaw and not your positive attributes. I LOVE the story about the cracked pot, it conveys the sentiment well. And I agree that accepting your imperfection is so important, I realise its easier said than done, but with it comes confidence and feeling self-assured.
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
This post really reminds me of the Robin Williams commentary in Good Will Hunting. Where he talks to Will about love. And he says that the flaws are the things we find beautiful in the other person and the things we will remember long after and miss. We should love ourselves for who we are. Flaws and all. We are flawsome.
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wow what a cheerful and self-empowering post. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you. I will embrace my flawsomeness!
Thanks…Be Flawsome! 🙂
Flawsome! I love that! Someone needs to put that on a tshirt
Thanks…Be Flawsome! 🙂
This post really resonates with me right now! Celebrating our own strengths and also accepting our imperfections is such a big deal!
Thanks…Be Flawsome! 🙂
Flawesome…I love it ! This is a great post full of wonderful reminders. Also, very timely for me to read!!
Thanks…Be Flawsome! 🙂
This is just so amazing.. Totally agree with your point. i use to focus on my flaws before my self discovery. The major key to ”flawsome” is to believe in oneself.
Thanks…Be Flawsome! 🙂
Love this post- celebrating my strengths is something I struggle with daily!
We all struggle in that but it’s important to acknowledge our strengths and nurture them! Thanks 🙂
I love reading positive posts like this one. Very well done thanks for sharing.
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
Excellent thoughts being advised to become awesome .Journey is mot impossible ,its possible with clear understanding only.
Thanks…I am glad that you liked the post!
“The ability to believe in yourself is the key to success. It is important that you trust your dreams and decisions, regardless of what others say.” Preach, girl!!!!
It is so important to have faith in your own dreams! Thanks 🙂
I want to be flawsome! Lol, I may already be. Could I be and not know it? I think we are what we are. I do critique myself at times but I’m quick to of course teach my kids to own who they are. We are who we are. We need to own, love and embrace it. We are unique and beautiful.
[…] Stay Flawsome! […]
[…] Restart your relationship with yourself – Be Flawsome […]
Flawsome, I love that concept. You don’t have to be perfect to be awesome and that’s something we constantly need to be reminded of